Monthly Archives: February 2010

Pajama day in school

Yesterday was a pajama day at school. Don’t the girls look comfy in their matching pajamas my Mom made for them?

Games Together

One year ago, our two girls were 2 years old together. We were thinking, a year from now they will be playing together. How much fun would that be! They certainly love to play together. However, it is not the kind of play I had in mind: playing quietly with dolls and blocks together. For […]

Masha in the Aquarium

Masha took a trip to the largest aquarium in the world today. It is in Atlanta, Georgia. It has more animals than any other aquarium in more than eight million gallons of water. Masha was pretty impressed. She also enjoyed watching aquarium workers swimming with the fish. She mentioned the gift shop which had toys. […]

Three kids three and under in our house

We had guests this weekend: girls’ Aunt and Uncle with their babyboy. Masha and Svetlana were very excited to play with their little cousin. It was his first visit to our home :). Masha could not stop kissing him. When Masha’s Aunt said that Masha should be careful since she might get his cold, Masha responded: “But I […]

Our Winter is over already.

Our winter was pretty short here. One day exactly. Girls were in a rush to use last bits of snow to go on their slide. In a few hours all the snow was gone. Only a few snowmen left. And another snowman. And two more

Winter in our town

It  has been snowing for hours now. We have several inhes of snow. Kids loved playing in it but got soaked pretty fast and we had to make it back to the house 🙂

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