Monthly Archives: November 2010

All natural flavored water and Organic snack bars: giveaway

I found a perfect snack package I take everywhere with me. It includes a Snack bar from Wings of Nature and a bottle of naturally flavored unsweetened water from HINT. HINT water is calorie free, and the snack is only 180 calories. Even though I don’t drink coffee, I became a fan of Espresso Coffee […]

Candy Cane, Santa, Mrs. Claus, Reindeer, and others.

We went to see Santa as he arrived in our little town. Honestly, we did not expect to see him that early, but he arrived nevertheless. Mrs. Claus arrived even earlier. We saw her as she was reading a Christmas story on a pedestal surrounded by kids. Masha and Svetlana came very close to her but […]

Gymnastics BD party (she is four)

Masha celebrated her Birthday Party. She is four! There were two parts to the party: gymnastics in the Gymnastics World and a Cake. Svetlana was quite excited about the cake. As we were going to the party, she tried to get out of her car seat, and get closer to it, while yelling “cake, cake”. […]

Very SOFT kids clothing

Both of my kids, one and three year old, are very particular about their clothes. They have a good reason. Shirts with tags and buttons irritate their skin, jeans and khakis limit their movement, polyester contributes to overheating. So, I became particular about their clothes as well. First we started avoiding clothes with buttons in […]

When You Say Thank You, Mean It: Book Giveaway

With Thanksgiving, Birthdays, and Christmas coming up, I need to frequently remind my soon-to-be-four-year-old daughter about saying thank you. While I can still remind her by whispering in her ear the magic word every time she needs to say it, it is much harder to teach her the real meaning behind the phrase. Fortunately, Mary […]

Fresh Cinnamon Apples with Lemon and Honey

Our favorite fruit snack now is Fresh Cinnamon Apples with Lemon and Honey. Kids strongly prefer it to the regular apples. All you need is 1 or 2 apples One teaspoon of honey for each apple One teaspoon of lemon juice for each apple ¼ to ½ teaspoon of Cinnamon for each apple Directions: Quarter […]

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