Monthly Archives: May 2011

High Fashion from Redfish kids

My fashion style is largely influenced by European trends, probably mostly because I used to live in Germany and Russia. Kids clothing influenced by Asian styles was something new to me. Redfish Kids Clothing, which we recently became fans of, was inspired by the street fashion of cities like Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Tokyo. The […]

On preschooler activities and quitting

You may remember I was writing that my preschooler was losing interest in all of her extracurricular activities, in particular gymnastics and dance. I was planning to have two recitals this year – one in the dance studio through Masha’s school, and the other through a separate dance studio Masha was attending the entire year. […]

Seams on the outside?

I was seven when my sister was born. “Mom, why is her hat inside out”, I asked. “To make sure she is comfortable. And the seams do not bother her”, – my Mom answered. It seemed perfectly logical. This is how baby hats were made. Since then, I have never put a hat on a baby […]

Teach children about other countries (children’s book giveaway)

I love Paris. Sounds way too cliché, I know. How could anybody not love it, especially when we live so far away from it? I recently learned a few things I did not know about Paris. For example, that Paris is called “the city of light”. I had no idea, even though I have been […]

Turquoise manicure

This is what happens when my toddler gets a hold of Tempura paint. She, of course, selected the color that matched her shirt. “Mommy, she thinks that this paint is Nail Polish,” – exclaimed my preschooler. “Let’s not let her play with my paint anymore”

Ballerina and her Backpack

Have I mentioned that my preschooler just had a recital? She believes she is a real Ballerina now. How could she not? She has a Ballerina backpack, her dance teacher calls her students Ballerinas, and we started calling her that as well. This Ballerina Bag brought so much joy, that my preschooler is even more […]

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