Category: I am Working Mom
How to sneak out Time to Study, being a Mom?
November 6, 2014 | Filled under I am Working Mom |
A mom’s life is difficult. Looking after kids, catching up with the daily chores, and much more. Working on this, if you have taken a late entry to the course, can you find time to study? The answer to this question is; it depends on you. If you want to find time for yourself, you […]
How to work from home with kids
July 9, 2012 | Filled under How-To Articles, I am Working Mom |
Working from home is a challenge when the kids are at home. A nanny, a teenage babysitter or a daycare facility are always worth looking into. I hope you will find this and some other advice valuable when trying to get some work done from home. Making the office. If you are to work from […]
Can you see a Cordless Headset on my head?
November 16, 2011 | Filled under I am Working Mom, reviews |
I am a Mom who works from home. I spend hours on the phone – work conference calls, meetings, negotiations with contractors, discussions with teachers and doctors. I usually hold the phone between the shoulder and my head while cleaning the house, folding the clothes, and doing dishes. I go through phones pretty quickly since […]
My kids are not fans of gym childcare
August 29, 2011 | Filled under I am Working Mom, My Kids, reviews |
I was driving home from work with a definitive idea to go for a walk. As I got home I realized that I am so extremely tired that the most I could do is get some more work done on my computer. The guilt started overpowering me and I decided to head over to the […]
Nursing Mother’s room at the University
June 8, 2011 | Filled under I am Working Mom, Wordless Wednesday |
I recently visited my Alma Mater – Georgia Tech. I was pleasantly surprised by a new room in the Student Center. I noticed this sign at the door first. Could it be what I think it is? A Nursing room? I stepped right in and found a comfortable, nicely decorated room designed for nursing Moms. […]
On preschooler activities and quitting
May 18, 2011 | Filled under I am Working Mom, My Kids, Wordless Wednesday |
You may remember I was writing that my preschooler was losing interest in all of her extracurricular activities, in particular gymnastics and dance. I was planning to have two recitals this year – one in the dance studio through Masha’s school, and the other through a separate dance studio Masha was attending the entire year. […]