Category: videos
ninja baby dance
February 18, 2011 | Filled under My Kids, videos |
You may or may not agree, but this is a super funny dance. I admit I might say that only because they are my kids. This was actually a dance from last summer. Their dances these days are even funnier. Or should I say “more graceful”? Or “crazier” would be a better word? … And […]
what my kids get into
January 17, 2011 | Filled under My Kids, videos |
I made this video for a contest, but did not win. The video was made over a year ago, when my youngest was 9 months old. There are, of course, other things they used to get into (and do now). I still cannot leave them alone for a second. As always, if the video does […]
How to raise bilingual children
July 21, 2010 | Filled under How-To Articles, My Kids, videos |
Ever since I started learning English as a second language, I wanted to raise bilingual children. When I was in college I met a four year old girl. She was fluent in three languages. Her fluency amazed me. She spoke each language like it was her native. Since then I wanted my kids to speak […]